I don’t think it’s my imagination. I really don’t. Not when every day it gets tougher and tougher to believe today’s Republicans have an ounce of respect for the intelligence of the average rube. Their average rubes. Not when in the course of a single week we had …
1: A dozen Colorado Republican congressional candidates — including “Beetlejuice” groper Lauren Boebert — being asked how many of them had ever been arrested? And half of them proudly shot up their hands … to the delight of the crowd that commenced hootin’ and hollerin’ in delight … at the sight of, you know, such bona fide maverick Wild West independence … or something.
2: Minnesota’s 8th District Congressman “Coach Pete” Stauber, a guy sent to D.C. solely because he can talk hockey to the marginally literate of the far north, boasting to his fellow puckheads about how he “advocated” for the billion dollars of federal money to rebuild the giant Blatnik Bridge to Superior. When in fact he … oh damn, you already knew the punchline … he caved to MAGA group think and voted against all those high-paying construction jobs.
And 3: And now, a whole host of once-upon-a-time Republican presidential candidates, (pseudo-intellectual/inflamed hemorrhoid Vivek Ramaswamy), Fox, NewsMax and OAN anchors and pundits plus … plus! … the guy who did so well selling the story of Hillary Clinton eating babies in the basement of a pizza parlor … that has no basement … freaking out about Taylor Swift rigging the the Super Bowl and the next election.
I freely concede I live in a bubble where this kind of stuff strikes me as … mmmm, what’s the word I’m looking for? … well how about “stupid” until I can come up with something better? (“Batshit” has been worn thin describing this crowd.)
But the Swift thing, besides so vividly demonstrating how afraid the MAGA-nauts are of one cute, fabulously wealthy young lady, is interesting because her influence over her fans, most of them young to young-ish women is both extraordinary and immense. Any of us who have followed pop culture for decades have to admit we’ve seen nothing — nothing — like her Eras tour or the devotion her fans have to her.
The still on-going tour has been a campaign across the globe that made her a billionaire because in large measure she was selling joyful community via high professional standards. (Ok, and high prices, too.) Point being, all her songs about relationships gone wrong withstanding, her affect is of someone who respects her audience and holds herself to standards respectful of truth (sometimes hard truths) and decency towards others. Fans may shriek and sing along and wave their flashing Swiftie bracelets without giving a lot of explicit thought to such virtues, but they feel it … and in Swift’s case, based on what we and the MAGA crowd can see, she lives the virtues she sings about.
Including the virtue of not being a sap for the bastards of the world.
Therein lies the fear she strikes into the (mmmmm, gotta come up with a new word) cynical thought leaders as they contemplate what she might be able to do with a political endorsement later this year.
Being a (very) shrewd businesswoman, Swift no doubt calculates the impact of “coming out” for say Joe Biden might have on her remarkably unblemished celebrity. Sure, there’s a percentage of her fan base that would react negatively. Certainly to an overt endorsement. But what percentage would you put that at? 10%? 15%?
She has 534 million social media followers. She can lose 50 million and still be a goddam force of political nature … if she wants to be.
The sense she’s giving at the moment is less about doing something as heavy-handed as popping up on the Jumbotron at the Super Bowl and telling all Swifties everywhere to “Vote for Joe”. It’s more — and this is savvy and wise in so many ways — simply making the persistent case to, “Vote and vote for the right thing. Vote for racial justice, gender justice, honesty and intelligence and respect for everyone, including yourself.” Presented that way, the average Swiftie — a lot of them smart young ladies — has very little difficulty discerning who of the two strange old geezers running for The Big Job embodies those virtues best.
Ms. Swift is an unprecedented phenomonon, in no small part due to her masterful manipulation of social media. She gets her message across. Instantly. And by virtue of her … well, professional virtues … her message has startling credibility with her millions of fans, (unlike, say Ted Nugent or Kid Rock), a large portion of whom may never have voted before and wouldn’t now other than she — their gold standard for fun and decency — says it’s important.
And for that reason Sean Hannity and the usual collection of incel folk heroes are rightfully terrified of her.
We – the devoted followers of TSwift – are amused it’s taken you normies so long to tumble to our plan to enslave humanity. Rage all you want, the war was won long ago. We are legion.
Those of you who have evaded our grasp until now have a choice: accept and be assimilated peacefully and gently or keep running until your legs give out and we track you to the last nest of resistance at which point we will blast you out with high-decibel playbacks of Her Sublime Majesty’s entire catalog. Not the stuff the evil one bought but the re-recorded stuff. Regardless of your choice, the end is the same: you in sparkles and glitter wearing a “1989” t-shirt or one of Her cryptic but fraught-with-meaning sayings.
TnT forever. Or until She’s had Her way with him. Like all the rest. Because no single person can possibly measure up.
Resistance is futile.
If Swift says things like “vote for racial justice,” I have to wonder if there is a sizable slice of young Trump supporters or open-to-Trump Swifties who would hear that as “vote for Trump,” based on rationalizations like “well, Trump has black guys on stage with him so he is for racial justice” and “well Trump says he had the lowest black unemployment ever when he was in office so he has produced racial justice” and “well, I’m not a racist and I support Trump, so she must mean Trump” and ” well, I love Trump and I love Taylor, so she must be talking about Trump.”
Maybe I’m being too much of a defeatist, but I’m just not sure the indirect, subtle approach works for some lightly engaged folks who are prone to hearing what they want to hear.