Post life’s ups?
Post life’s downs?
Post long?
Post short?
Post serious?
Post playful?

Post weighty?
Post trivial?
Post right?
Post left?
Post opinion?
Post doubt?
Post frequent?
Post infrequent?
Post positive?“
Post critical?
Post experts?
Post speculative?

Lost in the maze.
Where’s the right phrase?
What to do?
What to do?!
What to do?!!
Post you.
Thick-skinned you!
And comment with grace, in lowercase.
Or scroll on, Friend, scroll on…
I failed the poetry part of 10th grade English – spectacularly if memory serves – so I can’t comment on the quality of the composition (I can still hear Mr. Rivinius sighing, “Just listen to the meter…”) but you have accurately captured both our divisions and what seems to be the unstoppable descent of civic discourse into one-word attacks.
I keep reflecting on how we got here and I keep coming back to Lee Atwater and Newt Gingrich as two who deserve acknowledgement for starting us down this road in the 80s but I’m old enough to know the trend dates back even farther.
I’ve never studied or written poetry, so I ask to be judged by the underlying viewpoint and insight rather than the obviously limited artistic value!
Yes, in our lifetimes, Newt, Turd Blossom, and their soulless disciples deserve lots of blame.
Awesome, Joe. Good writing!
Thanks, Larry. Much appreciated.
I am writing a novel titled “The Trial of Karl Rove.” The essential premise is that the Turd Blossom is Man Who Made Lying Fashionable, the guy who “was so smart at fooling us.” And yes — soulless is a good word for it…
Very cool. If only it were non-fiction!
Artists lead. Culture follows. Politicians write up the caboose.
PS – Where’s Lambert lately?
On the road for pleasure, I think. We both are streaky because this is a small part of our overall lives.
It may be a small part of your lives, but I read both of you immediately, and thus… you do affect the world.