Well, that didn’t go well did it?

“The most important 90 minutes in this campaign*,” pretty well confirmed what both critical “disinterested” voters and ferocious, Trump-fearing liberals feared most. Yes, Trump is as despicable a fraud and liar as he’s ever been, but Joe Biden, “our guy”, is plainly not up to the challenge of rebutting him.
Curious about how rural, white America would to the two performances I rolled in to my favorite northern Wisconsin road house for Taco Thursday with Trump and Joe. There were a dozen patrons, including four young women having a late happy hour. No one other than me paid any attention to the debate for the entire 90 minutes.
A cold Spotted Cow at hand, after 10 minutes the taco sauce was starting to curdle in my stomach.
Not only did Joe look every minute of 81 years, white and frail, he appeared completely unprepared for standard rally-issue Trump’s usual Niagara-like torrent of lies and bullshit. I mean, the look of stunned incredulity on Biden’s face as Trump lied about every issue in every question and called him every name in the book — except “alley cat” which Joe did manage to level at Trump — was demoralizing. There is no larger, fatter or riper target for easy evisceration on moral, ethical and competency grounds than Donald Trump and all Biden really had was indignation over “the idea” that Trump would say such things.
Trump is a known viral menace. Where was the attack, for chrissakes?
It is no doubt sage advice to give tonight’s lamentable performance a day or two or three to shake out. But it is very hard to see how this situation gets better. We live in an age where appearance carries at least equal weight to competence and Biden ‘s performance tonight very likely — very likely — confirmed exactly what people, from the low information to the high information types feared most.
So what happens now? I won’t make the Barry Goldwater and Hugh Scott going to Nixon comparison, but I believe with 100% certainty that very senior Democrats, fund-raisers and influential party poobahs are already pulling the fire alarm and will soon, (very soon), begin the work of convincing Biden to step aside. Unless polling shows something I certainly don’t expect, he’ll have no choice but to listen and acknowledge reality. He, like everyone else, knows what a hideous threat Trump represents.
There’ll be a short window — seven weeks — to mount a frenzied, whirlwind campaign of possible successors, something unheard of in the past hundred years or so, LBJ in ’68 sort of withstanding. A fresh candidate — almost any candidate save Bernie again — will invigorate the remainder of the campaign.
We live in unprecedented times. But Donald Trump restoration is an apocalyptic fate none of us on this side of the aisle of competency and decorum can allow to happen.
What a goddam mess.
- Obama campaign manager David Plouffe.