Why my own political blog? Well, it’s a little tricky writing about politics as an ensemble, as I’ve tried to do for four years with my good friends at the Same Rowdy Crowd (SRC). Politics obviously is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor, so my plan is to scratch my political itch here, in a private second home built for one, while continuing to post about communications issues at SRC.
Why “wry?” “Wry” has several definitions. Dry humor. Twisted expressions of displeasure. Abnormally bent to one side (left). Perverse.
I plead guilty on all counts, so “Wry Wing Politics” it is.
What’s the mission? Elvis Costello crooned, “I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused.” That’s the mission statement here — try to see the amusing side of the world, while working to change it.
I’m a liberal in Minnesota with, as polite Minnesotans say, a “different” sense of humor. So, there will be a steady diet of liberal politics, Minnesota issues, and quirky humor. But please bear with me when I stray off-topic, and off-mission. Remember, Elvis’s Mission Statement only promises to “try,” so humorless rants and wonk-a-thons will probably also break out.
So we’re just trying to save the world, while having some fun. If you know anyone with similar interests – ranter or ponderer, conservative or liberal, gal or guy — invite them over for some politics on wry.
– Joe Loveland
Looking forward to your posts.
Bare your soul and don’t hold back.