During last night’s Part I of the Democratic Presidential debate, moderators and candidates acted as if candidates must make a choice between advocating for Medicare-for-All and a Medicare buy-in option. It was one of the few areas of division among the progressive candidates

Why? Progressives should be simultaneously advocating for both policies.
Stop Bashing Buy-In Option
Medicare-for-All advocates like Sanders and Warren need to stop taking cheap shots at a Medicare buy-in option.
The reality is, without a filibuster-proof Senate majority, Medicare-for-All simply can’t pass for a while. Therefore, progressives need a Plan B that helps as many Americans as possible, shows that Democrats can deliver on their health care rhetoric, and advances the cause of Medicare-for-All.
That’s what a Medicare buy-in option does.

It helps more Americans in the short-run by bringing much more price competition to the marketplace and ensuring every American has at least one comprehensive coverage option available to them, even in poorly served areas.
Beyond helping Americans in the short-term, a buy-in option also advances the cause of Medicare-for-All. Americans have been brainwashed by decades of conservatives’ vilifying of “government run health care,” but a buy-in option will give younger generations of Americans first-hand evidence showing that Medicare is not to be feared. It will show millions of Americans that Medicare is cheaper and better than conservatives’ vaunted corporate health plans.
And that will help disarm conservatives’ red-faced criticisms of “government run health care” and Medicare-for-All.
Stop Bashing Medicare-for-All
At the same time, champions of a Medicare buy-in option like Biden and Buttigieg need to stop railing on a Medicare-for-All.
Even though Medicare-for-All can’t pass right away, progressives need to keep explaining what the world’s other developed nations figured out a long time ago, that a single payer government-run is the only real solution for any nation that hopes to control costs, cover everyone, and improve health outcomes.
For far too long, progressives have been afraid to educate Americans about why a single-payer system is needed. When fearful progressives sensor themselves from explaining why Medicare-for-All is needed, they leave the stage to conservative and corporate demagogues relentlessly spreading myths about the evils of “government-run health care.”
And when progressives leave the stage to conservative demagogues — surprise, surprise – progressives lose the debate.
Start Pushing Both
What would it sound like to advocate these two positions simultaneously? It could sound something like this:
Ultimately, we must cover everyone, control skyrocketing costs, and improve health outcomes. And you know what? Ultimately, the only way to do that is Medicare-for-All.
In America, Medicare has proven effective and is popular with those who use it. In developed nations around the world using government-run systems like Medicare, everyone is covered, costs are much lower and health outcomes are much better.
So Medicare-for-All must to be our ultimate goal. We have to keep our eyes on that prize. We need it as soon as possible.At the same time, the Republican-controlled Senate won’t pass Medicare-for-All. That’s reality folks.
Given that reality, what can Democrats do right now to both help the American people and pave the way for Medicare-for-All in the long-run? A Medicare buy-in option. A buy-in option has lots of public support among Republican voters, so it has a much better chance of passing the Senate than Medicare-for-All.Let Americans choose between corporate care and Medicare. If they want to keep their private health insurance, they can. But given them another option.
President Trump is afraid to give Americans make that choice. I’m not. He knows Americans will like Medicare better, and doesn’t want to give them that option. I’m not afraid, because I know that a Medicare plan that isn’t required to profit off of patients will be cheaper and better that corporate care. So let Americans choose.
Enacting a buy-in option now will show more Americans that they have nothing to fear from Medicare coverage. And that will help us move the American people towards embracing Medicare-for-All.
Pols and pundits keep framing this issue as if it must be a battle to the death for progressives. But Medicare-for-All versus a Medicare Buy-in Option is a false choice. Progressives should be advocating for both, and stop savaging each other on the issue.
I absolutely agree. they are not mutually exclusive.
One of the perils of having a large field of relatively like-minded candidates: Relatively small differences in emphasis and strategy get blown out of proportion until they somehow begin to feel like party-wrecking irreconcilable differences.