By guest columnist Noel Holston

I’ve often heard liberals and progressives of my acquaintance assert that Donald Trump’s diehard supporters have been brainwashed by Fox News, OAN, Breitbart and other right-wing media. I don’t think so.
I believe they seek out such “sources” because they already believe a lot of the fabrications and falsifications those outlets disseminate and just get off on having their perceptions reinforced.
For further evidence, allow me to share some memes and ideas I recently encountered on the Facebook page of a guy whom I will call, since his real name is similarly normal, Rodney Harper.
Rodney hails from the same Mississippi small town as I and went to the same second-class university. I don’t remember him from school. Our paths only recently crossed. He read and liked my 2023 book, As I Die Laughing, and sent me a Facebook friend request, which I accepted.
Turns out, apart from having fond memories of our free-range youth, Rodney and I couldn’t be much different. When I looked at his Facebook page, I saw that, along with photos of his dogs and his collection of antique tools, he mostly shares memes attacking liberals for the being the pestilence he apparently believes we are. He often gets dozens of “amens” and huzzahs for his shares.
Here are a few of the memes I saw, along with a bit of annotation:

Like many folks on the right, Rodney resents paying income tax. Not sure how he squares that with the fact that taxes pay for some things we can probably assume he likes — for instance, our military, our highways, sewer systems, dams. Also note that the poster image for “productive and useful” is a white male, not that we should read anything into that.

Another complaint about taxes, this time leaving no room for the notion that foreign aid has benefits both tangible and intangible for the good old USA.

My jaw dropped upon seeing this one. Much as I loathe and fear Donald Trump, the man who would be America’s Vladimir Putin if he could, even he doesn’t deserve comparisons to the mass-murdering fuhrer of Nazi Germany.
The inference about Biden is insane. Joe can’t be Mr. Magoo and Hitler, too.

Rodney appears not to have noticed that the GOP, originally the Party of Lincoln, more than 50 years ago exchanged identities with the segregationist Democrats, aka “Dixiecrats.”
The “Test”
Rodney also shared a “test” that was attributed to one Mark Barcus, whose Facebook page identifies him as a saddle maker based in Wyoming.
The test is supposed to show you what side of the fence you sit on politically. I’m putting Barcus’s declarations in italics, my reactions in boldface.
If a conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one. If a liberal doesn’t like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
Neither I nor any liberal I know wants all guns outlawed. We advocate what most Americans consider sane, reasonable regulation that would include registration, serious background checks and limits on owning military-grade weapons that make mass murder easier.
If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat. If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
The only people I know who want all meat products banned are radical animal rights advocates. They may be liberals, but they’re a tiny minority. I’m an omnivore myself and couldn’t care less who or what conservatives put in their mouths.
If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.
Oh, please. As if only conservatives ever pull themselves up by the bootstraps and only liberals ever need a helping hand.
If a conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don’t like be shut down.
I know plenty of liberals who despise Fox News. I am aware of very few who want Fox News shut down.
If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church. A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and Jesus silenced.
The non-believers I know, both liberal and conservative, may think belief in God is misplaced, but they don’t care who or what you worship as long as you don’t try to impose your beliefs on other people in public settings.
If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.
No one “decides” he needs health care. He (or she) gets sick. Like most conservatives, most liberals have private insurance or a job that provides health care benefits. If liberals “demand” that “the rest of us” pay for fellow citizens who are poor to have basic health care coverage, we also fully expect to be picking up our share of the tab.
If a conservative reads this, he’ll post it. A liberal will delete it because he’s “offended.”
Obviously I didn’t delete the list. I reprinted it. I’m not offended, just struck by its false equivalencies and illogic.
And speaking of illogic:

The notion that Donald Trump is the Sheriff, some sort of modern-day Wyatt Earp, is not just illogical, it’s absurd.
If Trump had been in Tombstone, he’d have been a member of the thieving Clanton gang.
And if he’d owned the OK Corral, he would have overstated its square footage on a loan application.
About the author: Guest columnist Noel Holston is a freelance writer who lives in Athens, Georgia. He serves as Georgia Correspondent for Wry Wing Politics. He’s also a contributing essayist to,, and other websites. He previously wrote about television and radio at Newsday (2000-2005) and, as a crosstown counterpart to the Pioneer Press’s Brian Lambert, at the Star Tribune (1986-2000). He’s the author of “Life After Deaf: My Misadventures in Hearing Loss and Recovery,” by Skyhorse.
So as I read your post, I’m thinking to myself “if they are already brainwashed, where did these silly ideas come from anyway?”.
And then I ran across this article ( ) which I thought offered a great explanation–basically, any loser that feels that the world is giving them the shaft is glomming on to this narrative that Trump and Fox and OAN, etc., are peddling….
Thanks for this, Noel. Well said. You may get dropped from “Rodney’s” CHRISTMAS/not “holiday” card list, though.
That’s a great piece, Peter. The MAGA movement also feels to me like a Coalition of the Unadaptable. They don’t want to, and therefore can’t, accept that we live in fast-changing times, with ever-morphing demographics, technology, language, workplaces, climate, best practices, notions of equality, tolerance of differences, etc. To them, all of this change feels like an assault on the right way (i.e. “the way we used to do it…cursive and coal, damn it!”). To the rest of us, changes, while not always easy, feel more like inevitabilities and/or opportunities.
cursive and coal, damn it! Love that line. But now that I think about it, I would probably vote for a pro-cursive candidate.
The magas really don’t understand that blue America subsidizes red America.
Without funding from large population centers (overwhelmingly progressive areas), outstate conservative lives would REALLY suffer. In this sense, red areas are really lacking in bootstraps.
It happens at the local level, where Minneapolis metro area taxpayers pay $3.50 into the State budget for every dollar our city gets back in Local Government Aid from the State budget.
It happens at the federal level, where Minnesota taxpayers (again, you could say Minneapolis taxpayers) subsidize the deep south (including the state of Mississipppi).