Tim Walz got off one of the better lines of the summer when he was told Donald Trump was thinking about making a stop at 38th and Chicago, at the George Floyd memorial, while in Minnesota rousing the rabble a week or so back.
Said Walz, “That is a really bad idea.”
The Governor of Wisconsin and the Mayor of Kenosha are saying the same thing today as Trump prepares to inflict himself into a roiling cauldron of rage tomorrow. After spending Sunday re-tweeting sympathizers of the 17 year-old wanna-be cop/Trumper who killed two people with his (illegal) AR-15, it’s not likely Trump is going to Wisconsin to defuse the race war bomb he’s been packing for the last four years.
He wants more rage. He needs more rage.
At this point it’s realistic, and not at all cynical to believe Team Trump is eager for video of protests and riot-like violence around him in Kenosha, especially if the protestors are black. The starting gun for the final stage of what we’ve all known will be the ugliest, most shameful and embarrassing presidential campaign in American history has been fired. And Trump’s strategy, maybe his last best strategy and his latest assault on common decency, is selling suburban America on the idea that inner city blacks are coming for their property.
And it will work to some extent.
For all the revulsion and disgust of Trump by college-educated suburban women, there are enough of them — 10%-15%, who knows — with a fragile enough sense of security, they will gamble that despite all evidence to the contrary, Donald Trump is the better bet to restore “law and order.” The better bet to keep scary-looking black people off their lovingly manicured lawns. Their husbands, polls tell us, will take even less convincing.
I still believe that given robust voter turn-out and ineffective meddling by Russia and other bad actors, Joe Biden will win. Or, to re-purpose Trump, “The only way I win is if it’s rigged.”
But prone as I am to dystopian fantasies I’ve spent too much time churning over scenarios like this:
Following several weeks of protest and counter-protests, (think this past weekend in Portland, Oregon muliplied a couple hundred times), with muddied results from mail-in ballots challenged at every turn by Trump/Barr lawyers and judges, a consensus finally emerges that Trump has in fact lost. He has to vacate the premises.
But … facing a future of ceaseless and financially ruinous criminal and civil indictments, he pitches Biden … The Deal.
“Either”, he says to the President-elect, “you grant me total immunity from any prosecution now or in the future, or I keep up this fight, this all-out culture war.” Essentially, Trump, who is far more important to Trump voters than the stale old Republican party, would be threatening to set up a separate government. A viral, media-driven insurgency, with himself as the wounded, legitimate leader driven from ofice by the “deep state” but supported and served, passionately and reflexively, by literally hundreds of thousands of wanna-be cops. People with an endless supply of bigotry, anger and bullets.
What does Biden do?
Does he take the deal and direct his Justice Department, the attorney general of New York and the SDNY to drop all investigations and prosecutions of Trump and his cronies? Or does he risk what he knows with absolute certainty Trump is willing to do to destabilize Biden’s new government?
Only an idiot would make any kind of deal with Trump expecting him to honor it. But the dilemma remains.
Biden will have to be making every move imaginable to finally get the pandemic under control, which could mean another tougher, nation-wide, mid-winter lockdown. Simultaneously, he will have to prove that genuine police reform has begun across the country. And … and … with Congressional support, he will have to quickly and successfully stimulate an economy all the way down to the bottom 20% to stave off mid-winter evictions, homelessness, rage, suicides … and on and on.
I know what I’d do. It’d be the American version of The Nuremberg Trials.
But that’s why no one’s electing me to anything.
Probably the best thing that can happen in Kenosha when Trump visits is for no anti-Trump folks to show up. No BLM, no counter-protesters, no one at all. Then there won’t be video of all those “angry antifa” folks for him to rail against and turn into a campaign video. Just ignore him and let his moronic supporters do their thing.
Well, one small hitch: for Biden to Pardon Trump, Biden actually has to be President….so Biden could promise to do this, and then not do it, and Trump would have no recourse. And Trump would know this. And Trump is not a trusting soul. So no way Trump ever does something like this.
But….Trump could pardon all of his kids, Pence, Guiliani, Meadows, Steve Miller, Flynn, Pompeo, (this list is endless…), and then resign, and get Pence sworn in, and have Pence pardon Trump (what is in it for Pence? He gets to be President, and get a lifetime pension at a much higher level than he already has!).
I am sure there are legal holes in this argument, but at least Trump would be able to litigate the hell out of this, at the Supreme Court, and hope they they do indeed owe him.
By now Biden — and certainly the Democratic establishment understand that giving Trump and cronies a free pass amounts to enabling and encouraging more of the same from Tom Cotton or Tucker Carlson, or whoever the GOP pushes forward in 2024.The issueI think will be how well Biden passes it off as firewalled decisions by SDHy and the (restored) Justice Department. He’ll certainly be able to say, “Let the process take its course” while he deals with every other apocalyptic mess Trump has left … if he leaves.
Your premise is that Biden gets to Nov 3 and still appears to have an electoral college majority. (Forget about the popular vote—that “majority rule” and “people’s choice” stuff went out in 2000 . . . not with a bang, not even with a whimper; and got Vesuviused in 2016.)
And expecting Biden to show ANY strength or skill at withstanding the shitstorm is wishful thinking, to put it mildly. He was elected six times to the Senate and never had a tough election campaign. He started running for President even before his first term in the Senate, and officially began his serial sequence of futile tries for the Democratic nomination in the ’84 race, or perhaps launched in ’85 with his eye on 1988; the exposure of his habitual plagiarism set him back (ahhh–that was an earlier and better era, crummy though it seemed at the time!) In ’92 and 2000, Joe got no traction; in 2008 Biden was the first Dem down, finishing dead last in Iowa. When Obama subsequently picked him up off the discard pile and tacked him on the ticket as “token white guy” for VP, that may have been the first and worst blunder of his presidency. The late Al Uhl once made lapel pins which said: “Vote Democratic. Spineless is better than evil.” Nothing qwould make me happier than to be wrong about this!!! But if past is prologue, I fear that all too soon Biden will have made us wish we still had Hilary Clinton to try to rally around. Of sure, Joe might want to show how counter-macho he can be in standing up to the bully on the block. But it’s only in story books, or in mythology, that David beats Goliath, or hapless Harry Potter vanquishes Voldemort.
And suddenly, all is well with the world…..
Sometimes you’re drowning in schadenfreude.
Great article in the WAPO, gaming out the possible outcomes……
I wish I could see a way that we don’t have to suffer through at least 30% of this. Even a Biden landslide will be contested …