This blog is mostly about politics. We think politics is important, meaningful, noble, grotesque, humorous and terrific fodder for a conversation. So, we use this space to temporarily escape work and life for mostly political conversations.
We are:
Joe Loveland. For about thirty years, I’ve worked in politics, government, PR firms, corporations and as a solo consultant. After blogging a number of years with an ensemble at The Same Rowdy Crowd, in May 2012 I started Wry Wing Politics as a solo blog.
Brian Lambert. To liven up the party and lighten the load, my Rowdy pal Brian Lambert joined me in June 2014. Brian wrote a media column for the St. Paul Pioneer Press for 15 years, was a senior editor at MSP magazine, and currently writes the The Glean column and covers media for MinnPost. He’s a clear thinker, amazing writer and provocateur extraordinaire.
Why “Wry?” “Wry” has several definitions. Dry humor. Twisted expressions of displeasure. Abnormally bent to one side. Perverse.
I plead guilty on all counts, so “Wry Wing Politics” it is.
Our Mission. Elvis Costello crooned, “I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused.” That’s the mission statement here — try to see the amusing side of the world as it is, while languidly trying to change it.
I’m a liberal in Minnesota with, as polite Minnesotans say, a “different” sense of humor. So, there is a steady diet of liberal politics, Minnesota issues, and quirky humor. But please bear with me when I stray off-topic, and off-mission. Remember, Elvis’s Mission Statement only promises to “try,” so humorless rants, barbaric yawps and wonk-a-thons also sometimes are in the mix.
Overall, we’re just trying to save the world while having some fun. If you know anyone with similar interests – ranter or ponderer, conservative or liberal, gal or guy — invite them over for some politics on wry.
Joe Loveland
looking forward to your material…
I’m loving this blog already. Looking forward to following it.
Love your blog-views-perspective-attitude.
We met many years ago in an MPATT/Clearway pitch at Clarity Coverdale Fury. Please include me for future posts. I was a big fan of The Same Rowdy Crowd, back in the day. Appreciate the great work! Cheers…
Jerry Fury
We’re right here any time you need us.
Thank you, great blog article. I look forward to reading more.
It seems, the “alternative facts” have taken root in the minds of those who support Trump. They are as second nature to his followers, so much so that their, common sense, and survival instincts have become an unnecessary baggage for them, in this new bold era.They align themselves with their fearless soothsayer, and leader, as he spits into the magical winds of time, “it’ll just go away, one day it’ll just be gone”.
We’re going to have to set up a mass deprogramming initiative, when the man is no longer looming over the country, from the peoples house.