As we all knock back our meds in preparation this week’s debate we’re well aware that “we” in general agree on next to nothing. But maybe … maybe … we can all accept that asking the two candidates, both incumbents in a way, to clarify/explain things they’ve said and done in and out of The White House is fair play.
I’ve seen several lists of possible questions CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash could ask. Allow me to add a few more.
For Trump:
“In recent campaign appearances you have talked at great length about the life and death choice of either being electrocuted by a sinking electric boat or eaten by a shark. Millions of Americans share this same concern. What is your final decision on this matter and what then is your advice, as Commander in Chief, to concerned residents of Hays, Kansas?”
“During your presidency you promised legislation jump-starting ‘Infrastructure Week’ with a laser-like focus on your part to improve America’s roads, bridges, ports and such while also creating millions of high-paying blue collar jobs. By one count you promised ‘Infrastructure Week’ no less than 41 times. Unfortunately we can’t find a date when any such legislation was ever introduced or when you signed it in to law. Please provide our audience with those dates.”
“In February of 2020, a month before COVID hit with full impact in the United States you told reporter Bob Woodward that the virus was “really deadly stuff” while at the same time telling the public there was nothing to worry about You said that it was just “a couple people coming in from China” and that it would disappear by Easter. After that a million Americans died. Do you understand what “deadly” means? Can you define it for us? And as a bonus question, did you ever have ultra violet light and/or bleach inserted up your rectum?”
“In addition to being convicted of 34 felonies for election and business fraud you have also been judged a ‘rapist’ for assaulting E. Jean Carroll. You have lost two defamation cases related to this matter and are on the hook for over $83 million in damages. Yet you still insist you never met Carroll and that she is making this all up. Please tell us here and now sir, whether you still think Ms. Carroll is a liar?”
“Do you still routinely cheat at golf?”
“You recently proposed eliminating the federal income tax and replacing it with a 10% tariff on everything imported into America. This would mean, for example, at everything at WalMart would cost 10% more. Who, in your mind, bears the cost of tariffs? Mexico? Woke blue cities? Sneering liberal elites? E. Jean Carroll? Also, would this tariff apply to the Trump ties, gold sneakers and other items you are currently selling?”
“You have had at least five in person conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but have refused to release any information much less recordings or transcripts of those meetings. You did hough once say that, “I could care less”, if such transcripts were released. Nevertheless, House Republicans quashed a subpoena to force the American translator for your private two-hour Helsinki meeting to disclose what was discussed. Can you promise us that that translator/note taker is now free to reveal what you and Mr. Putin discussed? Okay, why not?”
“According to an analysis of your own tax records no one person in the United States lost more money from 1985 to 1994 than you. Over $1 billion. Casinos under your guidance went bankrupt. Casinos, sir. Then, during your presidency the federal deficit ballooned more than under all but two presidents, George W. Bush and Abraham Lincoln, both of whom were forced to finance wars. Considering this and the fact that no New York City banker has been willing to give you a loan for over 25 years can you point to anyone other than yourself or say, Stephen Miller, who thinks you know two shits about how to run a lemonade stand much less the American economy?”
Finally, for President Biden:
“Why are you so old?”
Good stuff. A small edit to your question for Biden, however, seems in order: “Why did you mislead the country into believing you would be a one-term president? And if Trump wins, who do we see about that?’
I do wonder if he or anyone really close to him regrets that “bridge candidate” line. I’m not as concerned about his mental faculties as I am about his appearance … to the crowd that thinks Donny is a picture of robust health and sanity.